Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 1063 - Impeached

It took longer than I thought it would but on this day Donald Trump was impeached for Abuse of Power (extorting Ukraine) and Obstruction of Congress.


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Days 99-100 - And Nothing To Show For It

Going forward, I now believe an ineffective Trump is better than a theocratic Pence as president. As long as The Donald continues to fail to enact his extreme agenda, and to damage the GOP in general, he has my "vote".

Congress at 100 Days: Frenetic Action but Few Accomplishments

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Days 92-93 - Waiting For More Fails From The Trumpster

Next week is a bigly week for the Trumpster. He faces his 100 day exam, with nothing to show for it, plus a looming government shut down, plus he's thrown health care and tax reform back onto the table. He's just creates one mess after another.

Just love this picture - so I "borrowed" it from Daily Kos, here.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Day 90 - A Fake & Fraud

Trump is disappointing even his most loyal supporters. He is showing himself to be little more than a fake and a fraud.

Charles Blow, NYTimes:

A Fake and a Fraud


Monday, April 10, 2017

Day 80 - Wag The Dog I

Charles Blow, NYTimes:

War as Political Weapon

Krugman, NYTimes:

Publicity Stunts Aren’t Policy

And Keith:

The Media Fell for Trump’s Syria Stunt

My letter sent to Corvallis GT:

Thankfully the Trump Administration has so far failed miserably on domestic policy. Failed to enact the travel ban, failed to repeal the ACA, and is embroiled in significant scandals (Russia-gate, conflicts of interest, Wiretapp-gate (sic) etc., etc.). So like any good politician he turns to war as a way to boost sagging poll numbers (36% approval by some counts last week) and to distract us from the scandals. However, I have a question - how is it that 59 cruise missiles lobbed at a small airbase don't at least disable the base? Within 24hrs after the missile strike the airbase was once again being used to launch attacks on the Syrian people. Why didn't anyone think to land a few of those missiles on the runways? Perhaps that was the point. "Let's make a show of force but let's not do any real damage, is that OK Russia, wink, wink?" Come on folks, let's see this for what it is. Google "Wag The Dog".

Days 78-79 - Golf Again?

Trump Tops Obama, Bush and Clinton in Golfing and Private Getaways So Far



Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day 74 - The SCOTUS Battle

"We have a battle ahead of us. This Supreme Court battle is really a dynamic between the vision of a government that works of, by, and for the people and one that works of, by, and for the most powerful. That’s what’s at stake here. In this week ahead, you can bet I’ll be fighting for the side of our “We the People” government every step of the way." Sen. Jeff Merkle, OR

Monday, April 3, 2017

Day 73 - Week 11

Only 95.2% remains of a full term and he already looks older and less healthy, both mentally and physically, than he did just 10 weeks ago. Will he complete a full term? 

Dwindling Odds of Coincidence

"To be sure, Donald Trump is a despicable man and an awful president who deserves whatever he gets. He is crude, a liar, a bully and a cheat. He is vainglorious and vengeful." - Charles Blow, NY Times

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Days 64-65 -

Trump is staying at the White House this weekend - expect some crazy Tweets after an awful week.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 63 - Fail or Fail?

Trumps fails again! (When does all the "winning" start, Donald?).

Trump was going to have another major FAIL today, one way or the other. Either the "Great" GOP Health Care bill would fail in the House or it would pass in the House then FAIL in the Senate a little later in the term. Turns out Ryan decided to pull the loser bill before it could be voted down by his House full of crazes.

In Major Defeat for Trump, Push to Repeal Health Law Fails


Sixty three days (4.3% of a full 4-year term) in and the "great negotiator" has still accomplished almost nothing while notching one major legislative failure. If the Dems are smart they will immediately propose some fixes to the ACA and force the Know Nothings to work with them on it!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Day 56 - Poor Angela Merkel, Had To Stand Next To Trump

Trump, after embarrassing the country in front of Angela Merkle, again, heads to Florida, again, at a cost of $3.6 million. BTW, President Obama spent about $8 million per YEAR on vacations, Trump has already far surpassed that amount in the first two months.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 52 - Week 8 Begins

Charles Blow, NY Times:

Trump and the Parasitic Presidency

How is this for the Ides of Trump postcard campaign:

Popular Vote Loser Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Donald,

Instead of Making America Great you are embarrassing yourself and, more importantly, US in front of the World. Please stop what you are doing and resign immediately.

Not one of your clueless supporters.

Just out: the republican health care plan will result in 24 million people loosing their insurance by 2026. Trump promised no one would lose health insurance. Who are you gonna believe, the liar-in-chief or the non-partisan CBO?

President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Day 49 - Foreign Agent Flynn/End of Week 7

Remember Michael Flynn, the retired general that Trump appointed as his National Security Advisor, then fired because he lied about ties to Russia? Turns out he was also a foreign agent, working for Turkey:

Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey’s Interests During Trump Campaign

So did Trump know he was "pal-ing around" with a foreign agent. It would be HORRIBLE if he did know, and HORRIBLE if he did not know! Incompetent or corrupt? Seems to be the best description of this bunch. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Day 48 - Preparing For Ides of March

On March 15 we all need to send Trump a postcard letting him know how we feel about him.

Let's give Donald a Bronx's cheer in the form of millions of postcards:

Here's the address:

President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 47 - "Just Don't Get Sick"

Whenever I think about Republican plans regarding health care I think about the statement that Rep. Alan Grayson (Dem. Florida) made a few years ago during the ACA debate: "the Republican plan is don't get sick, but if you do get sick die quickly".

Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' 


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 46 - Republicans = Cowards

Congressional republicans have once again proved themselves to be cowards. They have proposed a health care plan that is so bad that they won't roll it out until after the mid-term elections and the worst aspects won't appear until after the presidential election in 2020. Millions will lose their health insurance and all these cowards can think about is getting re-elected. Oh, by the way, taxes paid mainly by rich folks, that currently pay for parts of Obamacare, will be cut immediately!

House Republicans Unveil Bill To Repeal Obamacare

Seems like things are already a little rocky:

Conservatives Lash Out At ‘Republican Welfare’ As Opposition To ‘Ryancare’ Grows

Also, with all the chatter about wiretapping and so-called health care law let's not forget about the Trump/Russian connection scandal that could bring down this administration (fingers crossed).

from Mother Jones & David Corn:

One Simple Question That Could Break the Trump-Russia Scandal Wide Open

Monday, March 6, 2017

Day 45 - Week 7 Begins

Week 7 begins with a new Muslim travel ban and more nonsense from KellyAnne Conway who has re-emerged from the rock under which she has been hiding for a few weeks. KellyAnne claims that Trump has access to "intelligence" that the rest of us don't (including the FBI Director???) which supports his claims about "wiretapping" (sic). Also, new travel ban.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Days 43-44 - Wow!

Wow, Trump has now slipped into true paranoia:

Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones

Is this mental illness or misdirection? In the past Trump has tried to create a diversion when the news gets particularly bad for him as it is now. On the other hand this may be the early stages of his descent into madness.

Sunday am update: It is starting to look like a typical Trump diversion. The congress has picked up the wording and are dutifully following their leader. It gives them something else to talk about.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Day 42 - What A Week!

Six weeks in and still no meaningful accomplishments for the Trump gang. More controversy over Russian entanglements, Sessions rescuing himself from the investigation, more revelations about more contacts with the Russians during the election.

Trump is once again spending this weekend in Florida, that's four (4!) out of six weeks that he has soaked taxpayers for $3 million for his weekend vacation. At this rate he'll cost us a mere $400 million in 4 years (let's hope it is not that long)! 

Another insightful video from Keith:

Why Trump is Refusing to Confront Reality

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Day 41 - Tangled Web of Lies

Looks like ol' Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is part of the Russian connection afterall:

Key G.O.P. Lawmakers Say Jeff Sessions Should Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry

This is really bad news for Trump since he was counting on Sessions being able to quash any serious investigation into the Trump/Russian connection. Now, if anything more is uncovered, he may end up stepping down as AG. It is more and more like Watergate all the time!

Jeff Sessions Needs to Go

Echos of Watergate! Do I sound excited?

Afternoon update: Sessions has already said he'd recuse himself from any Russian investigation. But what exactly does this mean?

Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry

This is big because it effectively means he admits that there's a potential problem and he won't be able to protect Trump from the coming investigation.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 40 - With Poll Numbers Dropping ...

Once again, as occurred throughout the campaign, as his poll numbers bottomed out Trump last night managed to pull himself together (with drugs?) and give a fairly (for him) sane speech. One thing we know for sure is that these interludes of sanity never last long. He'll be tweeting and ranting again in no time.

Big news on the new Russian front:

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

This must be significant because Obama would not have gone to this trouble unless the information was important. Do you trust Obama or Trump?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 39 -

Interesting ... (from NY Times)

The Highs and Lows of President Trump’s Job Approval

How low can he go? I suspect that his approval rating among Republicans will erode and Pence starts to look better and better as we approach the mid-terms.

I wonder who wrote tonight's speech to congress? Bannon? Probably. The real question is whether or not Trump will be able to pronounce the big words.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 38 - Start of Week 6

Trump to address congress tomorrow. Republicans are hoping he'll act like an adult, they have given up on him acting like a president.

So we don't forget how abnormal the last 5 weeks have been here's a summary (NY Times):

What’s Normal? What’s Important? Rating 20 Big Events of the Trump Presidency

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 37 -

Trump has decide to skip the White House Correspondents Dinner. I'm sure its because he's once again afraid of getting a bad reception. Plus, he has NO talent for delivering lines and can barely even read. So it occurs to me that with just 5 weeks in Trump has become so unpopular that he is unable to leave the country (re: European Summit missed), attend political events except tightly controlled rallies, nor even social events like the Correspondents Dinner. And this is supposed to be the "honeymoon" period when new presidents are at their peak of popularity! Good luck Donald with the next ? years.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

Day 35 - End of Week 5

Still no useful activity from the tweeter-in-chief.

May have committed another impeachable offence by trying to obstruct the FBI investigation into contacts with Russia. Remember Donald, its not the crime that will get you, its the cover-up!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Day 34 - Death of Conservatism

Trump is the headline speaker at CPAC tomorrow. Last year Trump was dis-invited from the same conference because his views were so antithetical to the so-called conservative movement. So who has changed, Trump or CPAC? Conservatives like to point to Ronald Reagan as the father of modern conservative thought. But, if Reagan was alive today I doubt that he would even shake Trump's tiny hand let alone embrace his ideas (such as they are). The fact is Trump has subsumed conservatism and turned it into the alt-right of bigotry and hate.

The Death of Compassion

"I have no patience for liberal talk of reaching out to Trump voters. There is no more a compromise point with those who accept, promote and defend bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia than there is a designation of “almost pregnant.”

Trump is a cancer on this country and resistance is the remedy. The Trump phenomenon is devoid of compassion, and we must be closed to compromise."

Charles Blow, NY Times

I really hope this is true:

Weakened Democrats Bow to Voters, Opting for Total War on Trump

Compromise with Trump is simply not possible or wise.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Day 33 - A Prediction

I believe that in the not-too-distant future the country will wake to the announcement that Trump has taken a temporary medical leave and Pence is now the Acting President. Then, over the next several months Trump will resign the presidency for medical reasons.

I think this will come about because Trump will be presented with information regarding his ties with Russia that will reveal clearly impeachable offences and he'll be given a choice to either resign, via the provisions of the 25th Amendment, or be impeached in a lengthy trial.

I think Trump's recent statements that the press is "an enemy of the people" were too reminiscent of Stalin for mainstream Republicans to ignore any longer and they will have to take action to remove him before the mid-term elections next year.

Another good commentary from Keith:

The Intel Community and the Slow Death of Trump's Presidency

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Day 32 - “We suffered for eight years. Now it’s your turn."

An excellent FB post that is being re-posted around the Internet. Lots of good points to send to the Trump supporters in your circle:

A Trump supporting Facebook friend told Scott Mednick, “We suffered for eight years. Now it’s your turn."

Scott wrote a brilliant response asking how exactly his friend had suffered under Obama:

“I am surprised you would wish suffering upon me. That of course is your right, I suppose. I do not wish harm on anyone. Your statement seems to continue the ‘US v THEM’ mentality. The election is over. It is important to get past campaigning and campaign rhetoric and get down to what is uniting, not dividing and what is best for ALL Americans.

There will never be a President who does everything to everyone’s liking. There are things President Obama (and President Clinton) did that I do not like and conversely there are things I can point to that the Presidents Bush did that I agree with. So I am not 100% in lock step with the outgoing President but have supported him and the overall job he did.

And, if you recall, during the Presidential Campaign back in 2008 the campaign was halted because of the “historic crisis in our financial system.” Wall Street bailout negotiations intervened in the election process. The very sobering reality was that there likely could be a Depression and the world financial markets could collapse. The United States was losing 800,000 jobs a month and was poised to lose at least 10 million jobs the first year once the new President took office. We were in an economic free-fall. So let us recall that ALL of America was suffering terribly at the beginning of Obama’s Presidency.

But I want to look back over the last 8 years and ask you a few questions. Since much of the rhetoric before Obama was elected was that he would impose Sharia Law, Take Away Your Guns, Create Death Panels, Destroy the Economy, Impose Socialism and, since you will agree that NONE of this came to pass, I was wondering: Why have you suffered so?

So let me ask:

Gays and Lesbians can now marry and enjoy the benefits they had been deprived of. Has this caused your suffering?

When Obama took office, the Dow was 6,626. Now it is 19,875. Has this caused your suffering?

We had 82 straight months of private sector job growth – the longest streak in the history of the United States. Has this caused your suffering?

Especially considering where he the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused
your suffering?

Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?

Homelessness among US Veterans has dropped by half. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama shut down the US secret overseas prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama has created a policy for the families of fallen soldiers to have their travel paid for to be there when remains are flown home. Has this caused your suffering?

We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?

Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured – an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?

People are now covered for pre-existing conditions. Has this caused your suffering?

Insurance Premiums increased an average of $4,677 from 2002-2008, an increase of 58% under Bush. The growth of these insurance premiums has gone up $4,145 – a slower rate of increase. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama added billions of dollars to mental health care for our Veterans. Has this caused your suffering?

Consumer confidence has gone from 37.7 to 98.1 during Obama’s tenure. Has this caused your suffering?

He passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Has this caused your suffering?

His bi-annual Nuclear Summit convinced 16 countries to give up and destroy all their loose nuclear material so it could not be stolen. Has this caused your suffering?

He saved the US Auto industry. American cars sold at the beginning of his term were 10.4M and upon his exit 17.5M. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit as a percentage of the GDP has gone from 9.8% to 3.2%. Has this caused your suffering?

The deficit itself was cut by $800 billion. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama preserved the middle class tax cuts. Has this caused your suffering?

Obama banned solitary confinement for juveniles in federal prisons. Has this caused your suffering?

He signed Credit Card reform so that rates could not be raised without you being notified. Has this caused your suffering?

He outlawed Government contractors from discriminating against LGBT persons. Has this caused your suffering?

He doubled Pell Grants. Has this caused your suffering?

Abortion is down. Has this caused your suffering?

Violent crime is down. Has this caused your suffering?

He overturned the scientific ban on stem cell research. Has this caused your suffering?

He protected Net Neutrality. Has this caused your suffering?

Obamacare has extended the life of the Medicare insurance trust fund (will be solvent until 2030). Has this caused your suffering?

President Obama repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Has this caused your suffering?

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?

He negotiated with Syria to give up its chemical weapons and they were destroyed. Has this caused your suffering?

Solar and Wind Power are at an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

High School Graduation rates hit 83% – an all time high. Has this caused your suffering?

Corporate profits are up by 144%. Has this caused your suffering?

He normalized relations with Cuba. Has this caused your suffering?

Reliance on foreign oil is at a 40 year low. Has this caused your suffering?

US Exports are up 28%. Has this caused your suffering?

He appointed the most diverse cabinet ever. Has this caused your suffering?

He reduced the number of troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Has this caused your suffering?

Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?

From an objective standpoint it would appear that the last eight years have seen some great progress and we were saved from a financial collapse. Things are not perfect. Things can always be better. We are on much better footing now than we were in 2008.

I look forward to understanding what caused you to suffer so much under Obama these last eight years.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Day 31 - Week 5 Begins

Sen. Wyden Town Hall

About 1000 people showed up and cheered Sen. Wyden for his efforts opposing the Trump administration. The senator asked the crowd how many were attending their first town hall, about 90% raised their hand! If this is an indication of the increased energy on the left Trump has truly awakened a sleeping giant!

Wyden Town Hall - Oregon State University

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Days 29-30 - On Vacation Again

Trump is spending yet another weekend in Florida (that's three in a row) while Pence is in Europe doing the real work at a NATO summit. Trump knows he would not get a very good reception in Europe so he's staying away.

Sunday morning: heard two separate interviews of so-called Trump supporters, both used the term "salvage" in reference to Trump's presidency - such as "they hoped that Trump could salvage his presidency". And these were supporters!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Day 28 - 4 Weeks of Chaos

from NY Times

One-Month Report Card

Trump has already served just over 2% of a full presidential term (1/48=2.1%) and that assumes he lasts 4 years. Odds makers in the UK recently rate his odds of completing all 4 years at just even (50:50). So, what has he accomplished in that 2%? Absolutely nothing, unless you count invigorating the left to levels not seen since Vietnam and pissing off Federal Judges.

He is once again spending the weekend in Florida, that's three weeks in a row at a cost of around $3 million per trip. At this rate Trump could cost the taxpayers $600 million for his long weekends in Florida by the time he is done.

And BTW, most people who start a new job, especially one they have never done before, spend a little extra time "learning the ropes". Not three-day-weekend Donald.

Trump's approval rating at 38-40%, historically extremely low for this point in a term. Another person (Petraeus) has turned down the NSC post and the White House still has 630 out of 690 posts to fill. Most people see working for Trump as a career ender.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Day 27 - Comparisons to Watergate

from the NY Times

What Did Trump Know, and When Did He Know It?

Is it too early to begin comparing this to Watergate? No, I don't think so. In fact if Trump knew about his staff's contacts with Russia to influence our election, or himself collaborated, then he may have committed treason, a much more serious crime than Nixon's cover up.

I listened to as much of Trump's news conference as my stomach would allow. His incoherent answers and outright lies gives one the impression of someone who is mentally ill and is trying to cover it up. He seems incapable of speaking without deception. I think this can't go on long, sooner or later this illegitimate POTUS will have some kind of mental breakdown. He's simply not up to this job.

from the NY Times

‘I Inherited a Mess,’ Trump Says, Defending His Performance

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 26 - Media Doing Its Job

Looks like the diversion will be Israel, from NY Times:

Trump, Meeting With Netanyahu, Backs Away From Palestinian State

Interesting juxtaposition:

President Trump, Will You Save the Jews?

Apparently Trump has already decided that he won't.

Keith's latest Resistance video:

The Enormous Cost of Trump’s War on Immigrants

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
Pastor Martin Niemöller 

Also, unrelated, I've sent this to our local newspaper re: health insurance.

In the midst of a White House in crisis over ties to Russia and Russian interference in our elections Republicans need some positive news. I'd like to help with a suggestion or two. House Speaker Paul Ryan could change the news cycle and solve two of his most vexing problems - namely replacing the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and "reforming" Medicare. All he need do is pass Medicare For All (call it RyanCare if you like). Take the current Medicare program and simply lower the eligibility age from 65 to 0. Replacement for ACA is now done! Medicare reform is now done! The only thing left is how to pay for it. This is fairly simply too. It is taxed in the same way that Medicare is currently paid for (payroll tax) except that the rate is indexed to age, young pay less, older folks pay more. I (age 63) currently spend around $1300 per month for a "bronze" policy that covers myself and my wife. I would gladly pay the same for a RyanCare policy that was stable (did not change every year) and with lower deductibles like Medicare.  Plus, Medicare (RyanCare) would be able to negotiate for lower drug prices, the ACA left that out because of pressure from the drug companies. Think about it, Republicans, you really do need to change the news!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 25 - Waiting For The Diversion

It seems like whenever Trump has faced a crisis or scandal in the past he has created a diversion to take attention away from the main, and more damaging, controversy. Now that Flynn has resigned and people are starting to ask "what did Trump know, and when did he know it?" I'm wondering what will the diversion be this time?


from the NY Times OpEd page:

David Brooks (NY Times) believes that the Trump administration has put the country at the brink of one of three crisis points that he describes as the Bonhoeffer moment (authoritarianism), the Benedict moment (stagnation and corruption), or the Gerald Ford moment (incompetence and anarchy). It seems that incompetence and anarchy are currently "winning" but if Trump's minions get their collective act together I have no doubt that they will move in an authoritarianism direction. We need to guard against all three "moments" because anything is still possible.

See the complete Brooks editorial here:

How Should One Resist the Trump Administration?

I believe that it is still too early to tell which way this will go and we are in fact seeing a combination of all three "moments".

A must read editorial from Tom Friedman:

What Trump Is Doing Is Not O.K.


Important news from NY Times:

Democrats Demand Inquiry of Russian Role in U.S. Affairs; G.O.P. Mostly Silent


Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence


Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 24 - Begining of Week 4

I'd like this article even if the writer was not from OSU (from Huffington Post):

Dear White, Christian Trump Supporters: We Need To Talk

NY Times editorials:

Once again Charles Blow takes the pulse of the gathering storm, and gives a shout out to Indivisible.

The Power of Disruption

  • "Donald Trump is a vulgar, uninformed, anti-intellectual, extremely unpopular grifter helming a family of grifters who apparently intend to milk their moment on the mount for every red cent." Charles Blow, NY Times
  • "Trump is not normal. He is not competent. And we will not simply sit back and suck it up." Charles Blow, NY Times

The most important in-depth news of the day so far:

Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down

Apparently Flynn has already resigned this evening:

Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser

But, I hope this does not end the investigation into Russo/Trumpgate (I just made that up).


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Days 22-23 - Taking The Weekend Off

Have to get away for a few days! So unless Trump has a meltdown, I'm gone until Monday. Here's a little weekend reading:

Trump has really ignited a fire storm on the left (from NY Times):

Help! My Constituents Are After Me!

This surprised me - Netanyaho is a family friend of Jared Kushner (from NY Times):

For Kushner, Israel Policy May Be Shaped by the Personal

So what's the chance that Trump will be a fair broker in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?

Friday, February 10, 2017

Day 21 - Disgraceful

Trump tweeted that the court's ruling yesterday, re: his unconstitutional ban on Muslim travel, was disgraceful! Here, Donald, is something truly disgraceful that your admin is up to:

from NY Times:

‘Bad Dude’? No, but Deported Anyway

So this ends the first three weeks of Donald's rein. What has he accomplished really?
  • He has energized the left like no other factor in modern times, or at least since the 1960's.
  • He has proven that ANYONE can be elected president, as long as you are willing to tell enough lies.
  • Proved that Russia and Putin are really our friends, and that they don't kill opposition leaders and their press. After all, who are you going to believe, your lying eyes or Trump?
  • Riled the federal courts and "demoralized" at least one future Supreme Court justice.
  • Dissed Australia and Mexico, embarrassed himself to the UK but played nice with Russia (of course).
We are only 1/5 through the first 100 days, buckle up folks!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Day 19 - What In Hell Is Wrong With Republicans?

In the beginning when Trump first announced that he would run for the Republican nomination I thought that he was so outside the mainstream of the party that he had no chance. Clearly this was wrong. We see now that he is in fact the perfect model for what a current Republican is: angry, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, anti-intellectual, anti-education, and anti-science. Trump of course adds his own mental health issues (mainly narcissism) to this mix but I think one could argue that various forms of sociopathy are also characteristic of the party.

Take for example the way Sen. Elizabeth Warren was treated last night during the hearing for Sessions (from NY Times):

Republican Senators Vote to Formally Silence Elizabeth Warren

In one stunning move they managed to display their racist AND misogynistic tendencies. So SAD.

Read the Coretta Scott King letter that got Elizabeth Warren silenced by the Senate

Then their disdain for education was on full display (from NY Times):

Betsy DeVos Teaches the Value of Ignorance

In another vein, here's an article by Ezra Klein about combating a Trump autocracy:

How to stop an autocracy

The bottom line: what's important is not what Trump does it is what Congress does to either enable or oppose him. That's where movements like Indivisible can be extremely important between now and 2018. Make sure Congress knows that there's a price to pay for being Trump's lapdog and, equally, an award for opposing his autocracy.

One approach is to turn support for Trump into a political liability for congress. Make republicans understand that they will be forced to publicly defend every action taken by this autocrat. Show up at town halls and be vocal!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day 18 - Week 3

See Keith's latest YouTube "Resistance".

The 50 Craziest Things Trump Has Done As President

Trump said over the weekend that a replacement for Obamacare might not be available until "2018". Ryan quickly jumped on the air to say that one would be available by the "end of 2017". Seems like the two top Republicans don't talk to each other very much! SAD!

I'm starting to think that I may not want Trump to be impeached too quickly. He is doing so much damage to the Republican party through his attacks on the judiciary, love affair with Putin (comparing Putin to the US), and many, many outright lies that having him around awhile might not be so bad. Plus, Pence would likely sign anything that Trump would sign so there's no gain there. Then again, because he's so dangerous and unstable, I'm not so sure.

Reports out of the chaotic White House say that Trump is furious that he was apparently tricked (by Bannon) into signing the EO that put Bannon on the NSC. He apparently did not read the EO before he signed it. He's also ticked about the SNL skit that implies that Bannon is really calling the shots. Thin, thin skinned Donald, how will you ever do this for 4 years?

4:00pm : We are currently waiting to hear from the Circuit Court re: Trump's unconstitutional travel ban against Muslims. I'm hoping (and confident) that the court will hand Donald another loss.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 17 - Week 3 of the Trump Circus Begins

Trump continues to tweet about the Federal judge that stayed his unconstitutional travel ban targeting Muslims. He called the judge "that so-called judge", what a class act! Even Mitch McConnell had to distance himself from that one!

Trump created another crisis in an interview with Fox News (before the Super Bowl) when he compared Putin's killing of political opponents with US by saying "we have killed too!". Way to go comrade Trump.

And, then there's John Yoo, the lawyer who helped GW justify torture and set up Gitmo, who is worried about Trump's power grab.

from NY Times:

Executive Power Run Amok

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Days 15-16 - The Weekend

Trump is off to Florida this weekend so the country gets a breather.

But, just to add a little entertainment (we all need it!): This is one of the funniest SNL skits I've ever seen:

on YouTube:

Sean Spicer Press Conference (Melissa McCarthy) - SNL

Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 14 - End of Week 2 of the Trump Lunacy

Thanks Senator Merkley (Dem, OR), you make me proud to be an Oregonian: From the NY Times Op Ed:

Don’t Let Republicans Steal the Seat

BTW, where's Melania? Apparently she is not yet engaged in the normal activities of a First Lady.

From the NY Times:

Melania Trump’s Absence From Washington Raises Questions About Her Role

For the third time (or is it fourth) a Federal Court has stayed the unconstitutional ban against travel from 7 Muslim countries.

Way to go Donald, great first 2 weeks! At this rate you'll be "retired" in time for spring golf and the Masters.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 12 - The SCOTUS Confirmation Fight Begins

Under NO circumstances should Dems support I-45's nomination for SCOTUS. And, under NO circumstance should they accept less than the 60 votes to pass.

From The NY Times:

Why Democrats Should Oppose Neil Gorsuch

The Indivisible movement was formed by former congressional staffers to RESIST the Trump agenda by effectively engaging Congress. See the Indivisible Guide for details and consider starting or joining a group in your area.

So, this is where we are so far ... from the NY Times:

A Government on Edge and in the Dark

Call your Senator ( and ask that they NOT support this nomination or thank your Senator if you are sure they already oppose it.

Say something like:

"Senator ______ thanks for opposing the nomination of Judge Gorsuch and please demand 60 votes."

"Senator ______ please oppose the nomination of Judge Gorsuch."

In Oregon:

Jeff Merkley (202) 224-3753
Ron Wyden (202) 224-5244

I finally agree with something the GIANT CHEETO said! Yes, Mitch, please execute the "nuclear option" re: Gorsch nomination. This puts the Mitchster in a very bad spot, he either pleases his orange master or he can ruin the senate for future republicans. Mitch knows full well that the senate will go democratic sooner or later, probably sooner, and there WILL BE PAYBACK. Once the 60 vote filibuster is gone (the nuclear option) IT IS GONE forever! I-45 obviously cares nothing about the future republicans who will have to clean up his messes.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Day 11 - I-45-POTUS to Announce I-SCOTUS

A day after Trump does his latest imitation of Nixon he will announce his pick for the Supreme Court. This is the pick that McConnell has delayed for a year and has thus cast an immediate illegitimacy on this position as well.

Merkley (OR) has vowed to filibuster if it is not Gardner and I'm sure it won't be.

A truly frightening article by David Frum (former GW Bush speechwriter and current senior editor at The Atlantic) - please read this is important:

The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism.

And, by David Brooks at The NY Times:

I am starting to feel like this is the beginning of a war. The country was invaded on Jan. 20, 2017. It will take awhile for US to gather our forces, much like it did following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 but in the end we'll defeat this enemy.

Please visit and download the Guide and join in the RESISTANCE.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Day 10 - Waiting For This Week's Crisis

So what will the new crisis be this week? Since Trump needs a new crisis every few days to distract us from the current chaos, I wonder what he'll provoke this week.

From the NY Times:
"America will not stand for this, so if obsequious conservative politicians or lily-livered liberal ones won’t sufficiently stand up to this demagogic dictator, then the American people will do the job themselves." Charles Blow, NY Times 1/30/17

The Brits have also figured Trump out and don't want him visiting their country:

Protests continue around country re: travel ban targeted at Muslims. Trump has unleashed an incredible outpouring of public protest against this illegitimate administration.

Keith's video is especially needed today: On Behalf of America, An Apology

BREAKING NEWS: Trump just fired the Acting Attorney General because she refused to defend his unconstitutional order re: travel ban. Nixon took years before he started firing AGs (google Saturday Night Massacre), Trump has done it in a matter of days!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Day 9 - Sunday

While we take a little break from Trump's insanity of last week we have time for this excellent article from Joy Reid at The Daily Beast:

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Day 8 - Calling Putin, Airport Protests

Trump is scheduled to call Putin and several other world leaders today. I'm sure that will go well given his performance from earlier in the week! Hope he does not "give away the farm". Stay turned.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox tells Trump to "grow up"

This evening protests are breaking out in airports around the country in response to people being detained re: Trump's Immigration Executive Order. MSNBC shows hundreds (thousands?) of protesters in NYC, Dallas and Chicago with reports from other airports as well.

Later in the evening ACLU won a temporary stay (national) so that folks currently in transit from these places can stay in the country. This is not stopping the protests.

Trump seems to have one talent - he sure knows how to piss people off!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Day 7 - So What Is A Malignant Narcissist?

Many people have used the terms narcissist, malignant narcissism, and narcissistic personality disorder to described Donald Trump's behaviour. So what's the definition of these terms?

Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder share the same characteristics but differ in degree. In some sense narcissism is a less severe form of narcissistic personality disorder, which is listed as a mental illness.

from the Mayo Clinic website:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.

Malignant narcissism is considered to be a mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression and sadism.


Trump met with the PM of Britain. For the second time in 2 days a foreign leader "corrected" Trump in public. Teresa May told Trump that it was not too early to discuss sanctions on Russia in response to Trump saying it was too early, in response to a question from the press. Perhaps he wants to check with his good buddy Putin before saying too much.

Also, more Executive Orders, this time re: immigration:

I'm ashamed of the how Trump has changed immigration policy and the treatment of refugees as announced today. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said the “tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty,”and Sen. Elizabeth Warren called the ban a “betrayal of American values.” Sen. Cory Booker called the move “fundamentally un-American.” Sen. Chris Murphy wrote in Huffington Post that Trump had just “handed ISIS a path to rebirth.” (from The Daily Beast)

Breaking down Trump's first week in office (CBS News)